Cupric sulphate, put up as a fungicide in forms or packings for retail sale 硫酸铜,配制成零售形式或包装的杀菌剂
Weight of Zinc-Coating, Number of Dippings in Cupric Sulphate Test and Diameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test 锌包层之重量,铜硫酸盐试验之酸洗次数及测试用卷筒直径
Nano-copper hydroxide precursors with the diameter of 20 to 30 nm have been synthesized by means of wet-chemical way, using cupric sulphate and sodium hydroxide as reactant, ammonia as controlling reagent, respectively. 以硫酸铜和氢氧化钠为原料,氨水为纳米颗粒粒径控制剂,通过湿化学方法合成了20~30nm纳米氢氧化铜棒状原药。
FAAS Determination of manganese and chromium in Cupric Sulphate 火焰原子吸收法测定硫酸铜中锰和铬
We have finded that we should be based on sense in animal production quarantine, these tests were good for spread and using, which of cupric sulphate broth and peroxidase detection dead animal meat, NaOH-aether detection icterus meat, ELISA detection trichinosis meat. 动物产品快速检疫检验以感官检查为主,硫酸铜肉浸液反应、过氧化物酶反应判定病死动物肉,氢氧化钠-乙醚法鉴别黄疸与黄脂肉,快速ELISA检测旋毛虫病肉的快速检验方法值得推广应用。
Two circuits are used to treat the waste residue containing copper which were produced by lead smeltery, and cupric sulphate reagent is get with this two circuits. 用两种流程对铅冶炼厂的含铜废渣进行处理,均可制取试剂硫酸铜。
The comprehensive valuation of control treatment was quantitatively analyzed and the order of value from high to low was slop, vaseline, cupric sulphate, sodium hydroxide, limewater, bordeaux mixture, tung oil, saline solution, diesel oil, bavistin. 不同防治处理综合评价得分顺序为:泥浆凡士林硫酸铜碱水生石灰水波尔多浆桐油食盐水柴油多菌灵。
The effects of different species of ceric(ⅳ) ions and cupric sulphate on the rate of grafting are also studied. 此外,还研究了不同种类稀土离子Ce~(4+)和硫酸铜浓度对该反应速率的影响。
CuSCN thin films were prepared by electrochemical deposition method in aqueous solutions using cupric sulphate and potassium thiocyanate as precursor materials. 本文采用电化学沉积法,首次以硫酸铜和硫氰酸钾的水溶液为前驱体原料,在ITO导电玻璃上沉积出了性能良好的p-CuSCN半导体薄膜。
The removal of molybdenum from crude sodium tungstate solution was investigated by cupric sulphate precipitation with the addition of appropriate quantity of sodium sulfide and under suitable conditions. 研究了用硫酸铜沉淀法除去粗钨酸钠溶液中钼的方法。试验在一定的条件下,使钼酸钠优先与硫化钠反应形成硫代钼酸盐,钨化合物仍以钨酸盐形式保留在溶液中。